
As the world of fitness is constantly evolving, we want to offer the very best we can to current and prospective members. With this in mind, we offer a class that we like to call Sudar at 9AM and 5:30PM on MWF and an exclusively-rowing based workout on Tuesday at 9AM.

Sudar is Spanish and means “to sweat.” This class is a fat-burning class designed to help lose weight, and increase your fitness work capacity. There is very little of the typical CrossFit style barbell workouts or olympic lifting in this class. The workouts in this class are designed to get your heart rate up, and increase your aerobic capacity. If you are interested in this class please fill out the form below to contact us or Click Here to sign up for a membership to this class.


Crossfit 15:10

10324 China Spring Rd., Suite G

Waco, TX 76708